Need for a Mobile-Friendly Website by 2022
Did you know that by 2022, law firms without a mobile-friendly website will be at a disadvantage? In this blog post, we will discuss the need for law firms to have a mobile-friendly website and some of the benefits of doing so. We will also provide tips on how to make your law firm’s website mobile-friendly.
Why do law firms need mobile-friendly websites? The reason is simple. By 2022, law firm clients will be using their smartphones to find and choose a law firm that can help them with their legal needs. If your law firm website is not mobile-friendly, they cannot easily navigate through it or learn more about what services you offer on their phones (they may have to zoom in just so they could read something). This means potential clients would always leave without contacting the law firm because it was inconvenient for them.
According to research conducted by ABA Journal in 2019, there were over 45 million smartphone searches done every month related to law firms or attorneys. In addition, 75 percent of people who use mobile devices prefer information online via their smartphones, as compared to laptops or desktop computers. This means law firms need to have a mobile-friendly website so they can reach more clients and provide them with the best user experience.
Some of the benefits of having a mobile-friendly law firm website include:
– Increased web traffic
ABA Journal also reported that law firms who have mobile-friendly websites saw an increase in web traffic by 50 percent or more.
– More leads
Potential clients are able to easily contact your law firm through your phone number or email address which are usually placed prominently on your website’s homepage.
– Better user experience
When people visit your law firm’s website using their smartphone, it will automatically adjust to fit the screen size no matter what type of phone they are using (iPhone or Android). This means law firms can reach more people and provide them with the best user experience possible.
– Increased revenue
Law firms may see an increase in revenue because clients will be able to contact them easier than ever before. Law firm websites that are not mobile-friendly risk losing all potential leads who want their legal services but cannot find it on their smartphones due to poor design choices by law firms who don’t care enough about having a mobile website at all!
– Improved conversion rates
Law firms’ conversion rates could also improve if they have more web traffic coming from mobile phones which means law firms will make money faster than ever before.